Interest in nest-boxes is growing at a rapid rate! We are increasingly asked about how to build a nest-box, and which nest-box designs are most suitable for various species. Although
we are a small family business, and rely on opportunities you create to supply and
install nest-boxes, or deliver talks and workshops, our core passion is to assist wildlife using best-practice outcomes. And as environmental education is all about sharing information, we put together a fact sheet in 2012 containing some basic information and tips on how best to build your own nest-boxes. With the recent release of Simon's book 'Hollowed Out?', we have now made one chapter of the book freely available to help provide the important nest-box design features to those people keen to build boxes for their own backyard. Click here to read this comprehensive resource (we recommend you read and follow these guidelines carefully to ensure the risk of invasion and/or damage by pest species is kept to an absolute minimum).
Download this information sheet if you have POSSUMS in your roof and would like to find/make/purchase them a more 'suitable' place to live!
Inspiration for a range of other activities designed to help you create/restore habitat for local, native wildlife in your area can be found in the Shire of Mundaring's 'Backyard Biodiversity' video, which we co-produced in early 2020. This might lead inspire you to create your own wildlife haven, which you can do using the fabulous resources on the ReWild Perth website!
A female Djarrailboredang / Red-capped Parrot broods her small chicks. |