Thursday 30 November 2023

Ngolyenok Nestcam!

 We've been THRILLED to successfully record the behaviour of a pair of Ngolyenok / Carnaby's Cockatoo (Calyptorhynchus latirostris) using one of our nest-boxes in the Perth Hills recently. Check out the above video of the adult male feeding then preening his adorable nestling! More videos are available on our Instagram feed :)

Thursday 9 February 2023

ABC TV - How to build a nest-box

THANKS to ABCTV and Wild Pacific Media's recent (and truly amazing!) wildlife documentary Australia's Wild Odyssey, we were privileged to be able to appear in this 'how to' video!

Wednesday 27 April 2022

Hollowed Out? book - launched!

Hi folks, Simon here!

After nearly 10 months of late nights assembling such a huge jigsaw puzzle that is a 300+ page book with over 500 colour photographs, it was an AMAZING feeling today to launch 'Hollowed Out?' today! One of the highlights was having such a warm group of friends, family and mentors attend today's official launch ceremony hosted by the Shire of Mundaring Libraries at the Mundaring Arena. I am super grateful to all those people who attended, the Shire staff who worked so hard to make this event happen, the event sponsors MBC Trees and of course all of YOU who supported the original pre-sale campaign that brought the final hard-copy books to fruition!

So, where to now? Feel free to read more about the book launch below, or the subsequent author talk, or visit our new 'The Book' tab to order your copy online now!


Thursday 21 October 2021

"Hollowed Out?" book - Coming Soon!!

We're THRILLed to announce that after many, many years in the making, Simon's Nest-box/Tree-hollow book is very close to completion! "Hollowed Out?" is a story about the journey hollow-dependent fauna living in south-west Western Australia have endured, and how nest-boxes not only help these important animals survive, but foster custodianship for them into the future. It contains a wealth of information about habitat trees, the hollows they form, how human activities have impacted and continue to impact these precious natural resources, and, most importantly, the most up-to-date designs for a range of wildlife nest-boxes you can build in your backyard!

Click here to order your copy now!

We had hoped to time the launch of this book with Simon's appearance on the ABC TV programme Gardening Australia, which aired on Friday 22nd October as part of National Bird Week (you can watch this story, named 'Bird Box', by clicking here). But as often happens with creative projects, a few delays emerged! But now the book is available for purchase via the PRE-SALE crowdfund!.

After the initial launch of a paperback book, "Hollowed Out?" will be launched as an e-Book, to allow a fast, green way of getting it out there.

Follow us on Instagram for the latest news and updates on the book's launch!

Friday 22 November 2019

Why Did the Possum Cross the Road?

Is that a very white powerline, or a funny piece of rope hung across the road?? You can keep guessing but we could also kill the suspense now...

A female Koomal or Common Brushtail Possum carrying her joey :-)

The funny bridge strung across Beeliar Drive is designed for this animal, the beautiful Koomal or Common Brushtail Possum (Trichosurus vulpecula). Recent surveys carried out in two local reserves revealed possums were present in one (Lake Kogolup), but not in the other (Yangebup Reserve). The fragmentation of wildlife habitat is one of the key reasons preventing some animals, particularly tree-climbing mammals, from moving around the landscape. The City of Cockburn therefore designed and installed a special 'possum bridge' to allow these excellent climbers to move across the road, and hopefully expand their population northwards. In order to inspire the next generation about possums, other wildlife and environmental education in general, the City supported a Re-Cyc-Ology Workshop at a local primary school, Mater Christi. This aimed to construct and install nest-boxes suitable for possums to enhance the habitat value of native bushland at Yangebup Reserve. So, with recycled materials and enthusisam, we headed to Mater Christi this morning to inspire some more kids!

The beautiful grassed workspace above was located outside one of the school's classrooms, and it provided the perfect environment for groups to work on assembling each of the 6 boxes. Then, after a lick of paint and some great discussions about the importance of tree-hollows as habitat, we set off into Reserve to install the boxes. Each one was hung on the trees using our usual tree-friendly, wire and hosepipe method. You can just make out in the below photo the entrance hole that is located at the rear of the box (against the tree), which makes it perfectly suited to the target species.

We are already looking forward to seeing who moves in! :)